Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Let's spice up the rice.

I like to have things on hand, ready to eat because going through a drive thru is not an option.
This is an easy one to take out of the fridge, open a can of pintos, black beans, or garbanzos and there's lunch.

I saute some onion and celery in olive oil then throw in the uncooked rice in there for a quick stir.

I put it all in the rice cooker with the amount of water recommended by the cooker. When it's done, stir in fresh ground black pepper, freshly dried cilantro, parsley and freshly squeezed lime juice.

I just got a food dehydrator and have started drying my own organic herbs. The dried cilantro retains the fresh taste but I don't have to worry about it getting all yucky in the fridge.

Photos to come.